Monday, January 12, 2009

Sego Pecel Pincuk Yu Tie (Pincuk Pecel Rice Yu Tie)

Pecel is one of many type Indonesian style vegetables with peanut sauce. Beside pecel, you can easily find other kind of vegetables with peanut sauce, such as gado-gado, karedok, and plecing. Sego Pecel Pincuk is Javanese language, means pecel rice in banana leave plate. I’m sure pecel lovers will love this one. The sauce is thick and yummy, true Madiun style pecel. Differ than common pecel, Madiun style pecel is more salty than sweet, mixed with a little hot taste that makes it more yummy.

Beside pecel, here you can eat gudeg (traditional food from Yogyakarta, made from jackfruit), ayam kalasan (crispy fried chicken kalasan style), garang asem (sour chicken in banana leaves), and rawon (black meat soup).

Ayam kalasan and garang asem are delicous too. The chicken is so yummy with tasty crispy. If you like sour and fresh, you’ll like garang asem. Garang asem is made from chicken, chicken liver, gizzard, and sour starfruit wrapped in banana leaves.

Price rate: nasi pecel Rp. 8.000, nasi rawon Rp. 11.000, ayam kalasan Rp. 10.000, garang asem Rp. 8.000.

Jl. Petogogan I No. 10 Phone: 7245786
Kantin Elnusa 0815 1300 9830
Harsono, RM. 23 Ragunan 0855 1020 456

Petogogan Branch open daily 07.00 - 18.00, Sunday close.


Bambang said...

hmm kayaknya gambarnya ambil dari website saya ya?

alpha_omega said...

Alamat Up-Date Sego Pencel Pincuk Mediun "YU TIE"

Jl. HR. Harsono, RM 23 Ragunan
Pindah Ke
Jl. HR. Harsono No.5 Ragunan, Samping Diklat BRI, Tlp. 0855 1020 456

Jl. Petogo I No.10
Pindah ke
Warung "keroncong Gaul"
Jl. TB. Simatupang, Depan Pintu Belakang Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Telp. 0855 1020 456

Kantin Elnusa, (Tetap Buka)
Jl. TB. Simatupang (Kantin Gedung Elnusa), Telp. 0815 13009830